Hi, On version 5.5.103 arm64-v8a: when I choose NMEA recording, I get NMEA when I choose GPX recording, I get GPX But the save position function on the right does not work.
In my case when I set "record GPX automatically" I do not get GPX. I get NMEA record automatically.
When I set "record NMEA automatically " I do not get NMEA instead I get the options "record as gpx" and "record as nmea" options at bottom of the screen light up. If I choose none of them then no recording takes place. In effect it behaves as the now missing option "Turn on/off manually".
The only automatic recordings i get now are in NMEA format.
@MacDony - do you see the files saved as gpx or nmea. They are saved after navigation is activated.
Also if "turn on/aff manually is not needed - it is there when auto is not On" how do you set Auto On or Off?.
Tomas, some questions to you to help me understand what is going on.
1. following your statement "turn on/aff manually is not needed - it is there when auto is not On" how do I record manually? Used to record rides without having set a destination. My default is to record GPX automatically which I cannot set now.
2. After you set "record NMEA automatically" and "set record GPX automatically" do you run a navigation, ie set a destination, start navigation and end navigation and thus creating the file?
3. Which screenshot to you get on your device. Left is from my BB Z30 and right from my Sony xperia xz2
Bug: Change of phone's TTS engine recognized only after TTS language change.
I've switched to a new Samsung recently. When you set up Navigator, the default voice is a recorded voice. So I switched to TTS, which by default was a Samsung TTS engine. Did not like it. I updated my phone's default TTS engine to Google, then updated the Navigator settings (Google was really displayed) - and was still entertained by Samsung TTS. Restarting, switching back and forth ... Samsung TTS was still played, despite Google being displayed.
However, I was finally able to hear Google TTS by doing exactly this:
In the Navigator settings, where TTS is already enabled, choose another lange (I needed DE, but chose GB instead), close. Open settings again, switch to DE - et voilà.
Default car profile. "small local roads" switched off. There is no "small local road" in the streets blue orange green color These are "street" type segments with no restrictions.
Most roads in Noyant-la-Plaine in your screen capture are "small local roads" (residential/alley/etc) apart from the D70E/Rue Principale and the "Route Martigné Briand".
So again: Please switch "small local roads" on, and try again.
In my case, it is probably something else. There was a traffice jam at the autobahn, when I was on my way to Dresden, some 30 km ahead. So I switched of the autobahn option and thought, Navigator would leave the autobahn at the next exit. But Navigator went on on the Autobahn not straight to Schwerin (more than 400 km northwest of Dresden, made somehow a u-turn there, went back on the Autobahn to near Berlin and used other roads only from somewhere before Berlin Down to Dresden. 800km + rather than 30 or 40km ... :-))
@MacDony: Why not put the small local roads on 45% (that is my setting). They will not be chosen anyway if a faster route is available.
But on the other side: You might get really weird detours when disabled.
Even more: we had several (many) posts here where users could not reach their destination because they had to use a small local road, and those are switched off by default.. This is mostly at the end when you reach your destination (or want to reach your destination): a house address, a camping at the end of a small road, a parking place "somewhere" in nature at the end of a small road, access to a ferry ramp, etc. etc.
@Mapfactor: How does the GPX/NMEA recording work? Only for navigation?
It used to work also when navigation was switched off. Sometimes you are just walking/hiking or cycling "somewhere", and want to record your track. I don't seem to be able to do that anymore.
Please tell me I am doing something wrong (because that means it still works ;) )