Could I ask wwwindisch:
In your step 8: "Convert the file and copy the output to your Navigator FREE folder"
I've read elsewhere that it should be copied to
"C:\\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MapFactor\Setup\Data\Images" where the file poi.mca resides. Is this the one you mean?
In your step 9: "The points should now be marked with the selected image in the map."
Do you not have to go to Import and click on the name of your file? Does Navigator find and load them without being told to?
Your help would be much appreciated (see my thread about Navigator Free crashing).
Hello all,
i've been trying to add a waypointlist as track to my NavigatorFree, mostly like wwwindisch explained.
That means, I imported as waypoint-gpx into diggerQT, made a doubleclick onto "test" and added a 64x64 sized ico in blue to all records.
But when I try to look at the track on my maps in NavigatorFree, I can't see it.
Yes, the <track>.mca is located on my Navi and in the menupoint "settings" - "maps" - "select regions" it is activated in the section "all imports".
What's going wrong? Which size has the icon to be? Is it to big or to small?
Which data source type do I have to select in diggerQT? user data or speed cameras?
Which source column do I have to select? Map or Table? name, comment, description, class_type, elevation, time or symbol_name? All or none?
Please help.
Well, it's not totally correct, what I've written before. Yes, I found my waypoint-track in NavigatorFree.
:( It's amazing, I found it near the coast of somalia in the sea !?!?
The original track-gpx shows me the track in Germany and Belgium - that's correct.
But after converting it with diggerQT, I don't see the waypoints there but - how I explained - near Somalia.
Doesn't diggerQT understand my gpx-files?
So, I think, I've found the problem.
I supose, that diggerQT makes a reading-mistake, but I'm not sure.
In my waypoint-gpx-files (created with RouteConverter) the coordinates are listed like this:
<wpt lon="6.108203997" lat="50.744936988">
This point (above) is near Somalia in the sea.
When I now change the position of lon and lat in the file like this:
<wpt lat="50.744936988" lon="6.108203997">
lon and lat have still the same value but an other position in the file - this point in Navigator Free is exactly there, where is has to be - in Aachen, Germany.
So, does diggerQT evalute the values of lat and lon or does it reads the first comming value as lat and the second as lon, without looking to the key/attribute lon or lat?
With greatings from Germany
Hi Martin,
because I have a WinCE-based Navi-System, I'm looking forward to the digger-version, that will come after version 12 and perhaps will work with Windows / WinCE.
Until that, I convert my gpx-files (create with RouteConverter) with an own programmed simple-simple Java-Tool, so that lat and lon will stay in correct position.
With NavigatorFree12 and DiggerQt 12 it is very easy to import a track.
I did it with an ordinary track-gpx-file, made some settings (changed the style for the line, [line width for detail zoom --> 8, minimal line width --> 4, shrinking ratio --> 33, fill colour -->0053D9 {blue}]) and exported the result to my data-folder.
et voila..
A perfect track-line...
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