I want to donate
  • Hi I would like to donate, but not through the play store or with my credit card. Would it be possible to pay direct to your bank with a bank transfer?
    Look forward to getting the bank details.
  • 11 Comments sorted by
  • that is very generous, thanks
    could you please email, we will return our bank account details
  • Thanks Thomas what is the email address? Found android-at-mapfactor.com is that correct?

  • Hi!
    Why Skoda Auto a.s. don't know Navigator?
  • ??
    and how is it related to "donate"?

    Regarding donate from Navigator - it works only when the same version is also available on Google Play (at least in beta version phase). Now there is 1.2.44 on default link as well as on GP:
  • Is there no other way to donate?

    Because I allways use the actual version from your download sources and not Google Play, I can't use the official way.

  • I would like to make a donation as well. As per crocodilefarm's comment I do not use Google Play either - I am a committed Blackberry user :-)
  • thank you very much, we appreciate your generosity
    here are details of our German account
    Account holder:

    DE46 8505 0300 3100 3910 70

    BIC/SWIFT code:

  • Hi Tomas

    Do you have a PayPal account.

    I would prefer to donate more to you instead of paying the international transfer fee to my bank
  • paypal@mapfactor.com
  • My name is Tyler and I am on a mission to help all around the world. Donating to homeless shelters, medical research, children's hospitals, etc. The world is an enormous place and a donation from everyone will make the biggest difference. From a penny to x amount of money it all matters. If you can’t give at least a dollar don’t be ashamed to give lower than a dollar. You might ask yourself, “why should I give money to random people I won’t ever see in my life.” What if that little amount of money save's a child’s life, a man in need of surgery, or a family in need of shelter. It all comes down to you as a person. Can you spare money for someones sake or not. Check out my website http://safehelpdonation.com

    Big things are coming. Fundraising events, marathons, charity auctions, etc. If you want to help your city go to my website and contact us. Thank you and God bless.

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