Incorrect translated romanian strings
  • Hello,
    I reported early on your email some problem with romanian translation.
    On road restrictions menu, the seccond string under Motorway ( in romanian Autostradă) must be translated as Drum principal european( Primary road in english). If this not fit there you can translate as Drum principal EU. ( european main road), because the third has the same translation as Drum principal (Major road in english) - which is correct but is not european. So we must see the difference. Now both main roads are translated the same as -  "Drum principal".

    Another untranslated menu is under Vehicle Profiles
    Translations are those in order from top to bottom:
    Car = Mașină
    Bus = Autobuz
    Pedestrian = Pieton
    Truck = Camion

  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • I forgot to tell you that i use version 1.3.43 ( received last night)

  • If you are logged in, you may "edit" your first post, no need to add a second ;-)
  • Thanks , but your answer is not related to subject of this thread...
  • Hi, we stopped updates of translations in 1.3.x, so your suggestions may show up in 1.4.x

    Regarding Car, Bus, etc ... I suppose that there are named in vehicle profile.xml, which is generated on start if not available. There is a "language issue", what it will probably generate it in the language you have selected for the first time and you can rename it afterwards ... I will check.

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