stored maps
  • Hi, I moved MapFactor Navigator from internal storage to SD Memory (i know it works only in the internal one). Now I have the same maps in both locations. If I try to delete one of the two directories where maps are located the program doesn't work till I copy again the maps in both places. Maps are pretty heavy and I don't understand why it nedds the same maps in two different memory at the same time.
  • 18 Comments sorted by
  • Did you move them by changing the settings? (Settings ==> Advanced ==> Change installation SD card). I did so and my maps are only on the external card. I have Android 4.2 though. I read that with Kitkat, they only work in the internal storage... If this is your case, your app uses only the maps in the internal storage and it ignores the external SD card.
  • I have Android 4.2.2. and I did as you did. But I have the same maps in both memories and I can't delete one otherways the program crashs
  • I think we need to know if you moved maps using Navigator (settings/advanced) or Android.
  • best is if you go to Settings and click Send logs
    please type description
  • Hi, this is it. Thanks for helping me.

    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:12  (JAVA) APP START version=1.3.24, debuglvl=2
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:12  (JAVA) BUILD INFO: release=4.2.2 SDK=17
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:15  (JAVA) SDCards:Mount point :/storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files removed because /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files is the same storage
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:15  (JAVA) SDCards:Mount point :/storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files removed because /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files is the same storage
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:15  (JAVA) SDCards:Mount point :/mnt/sdcard2/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files removed because /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files is the same storage
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:15  (JAVA) SDCards:Mount point :/storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files removed because /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files is the same storage
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:15  (JAVA) DISPLAY INFO:
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:15  (JAVA) LAYOUT_TYPE=normal
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:15  (JAVA) DISPLAY DENSITY: density_medium
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16  (JAVA) DATASET : earth_osm
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16  (JAVA) DEVICE ID : 322f620-496c93cc-de4e-395a-ad0e-30b79b1da424-315513c
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16  NAVIGATOR start
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16  IDC file: /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator/atlas.idc
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16    COMPOSER DUMP BEGIN
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16    COMPOSER DUMP END
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16  PROFILER: <1> DbsConfig::init() FINISH - 0.154 secs
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16  PROFILER: <2> Search::setContext - 0.000 secs
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16  PROFILER: <1> Search::Search - mode - 0.001 secs
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:17  Routing: setVehicleProfile().
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:17  PROFILER: <1> RoutingProvider::updateRoutingData - failed - 0.000 secs
    WRN 14/10/09 16:10:17  Navigation sounds failed - no sound set found
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:17  TranslatorQMM: init /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator/dictionary/dictionary_it.qmm
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:27  (JAVA) Navigator process killing

  • DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16  IDC file: /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator/atlas.idc
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16    COMPOSER DUMP BEGIN
    DMP 14/10/09 16:10:16    COMPOSER DUMP END

    this means that you do not have any downloaded maps at

  • Yeah, but what I see with android filemanager and Windows filemanager (with USB connection) is different:
    same map files in both memories and if I try to delete one of them (I tried once for each memory) program doesn't work

  • First make a backup of your your modified config files.
    backup your favourites.xml
    If you stored and/or imported routes you also need to backup your routing_points.xml
    If you modified your vehicle profiles you also need to backup your vehicle_profiles.xml
    If you modified map colors and so on you need to backup as well

    The most simple thing to do is from your app settings to stop the program, remove the data, uninstall the program.
    Search the navigator folders and remove everything you find.

    Reinstall Navigator.
    Note: There is no need at all to install the navigator program to SDcard unless the internal memory of your phone is really tiny.
    The maps (data) will default to your SD-card. Pay attention when you select the map/data folder.
  • If I download new maps it does it in the internal memory (!)
    Better if I disinstall it as you suggest.
  • I reinstalled it choosing the SD Card to store maps but the maps files are still in the internal memory.
  • Thake a look at the size of the partitions. Especially on Andorid 4.1 there were a lot of /sdcard or /mnt/sdcard pointing to internal memory, where as /mnt/extsd or /extsd were pointing to the real sdcard.
  • using "diskinfo" I can read:
    SD Card in the internal storage mounted in /storage/sdcard1
    SD Card in the SD Card mounted in /storage/sdcard0 and /mnt/secure/asec

    So does it mean that the sdcard1 points to internal memory instead of external one?

  • I think it could be a bug because in the settings I moved from external to internal and now the maps are in the external SD card according to filemanager!!!

  • Most probably your /storage/sdcard0 is your sdcard and /storage/sdcard1 is your internal memory but I'm not sure.
    Can you request properties of the several partitions. If you have 4GB internal memory (leaving perhaps 1.5GB due to android itself) and a 16GB sdcard, you should easily be able to tell which is what.
  • obviously my sd card is 4 GB as the internal one :-) and I have about 1.3 GB free in both ;-)
    but I guess you are right: sdcard0 is external and sdcard1 is internal

    what I don't understand is why Navigator is not able to recognise correctly wich is internal and wich is external. It says to me (translated from italian)
    Internal archive 
    space 1.3/3.7 GB

    SD-Card external 1
    space: 1.3/1.3GB

    So i presume they are inverted
  • No they are not.
    Please don't ask me why, but this is the default naming since Android 4.1

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