Navigaotr Free virtual GPS
  • Hi everybody,

    I have installed the Navigator Free  and a programm called com0com. This program allows creating a pair of connected COM ports, so that what you send in one of them is received in the other.

    Well, I am trying to send a virtual signal to the Navigator Free. I create the pair of COM ports and then in my programm I open one extreme succesfully and send cyclically a GGA frame. I have configured it to work at a baudrate of 4800, with 1 stopbit and no parity.

    Navigator Free sees thereception port but it´s not able to scan it properly, that is, I try to configure it but I get no valid baudrate result for it and so, I get no valid GPS data.

    Has anyone ever tried something similar? Does anybody have an idea of what I could be missing??

    Thank you all.

    Kind regards

    Leo Nolek

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • You can probably just fill necessary details in your settings.xml file. I am also not sure if GGA is enough ... add RMC.
    good luck
  • Thaks for the answer. I will follow your advice.

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