Map not moving when North is up
  • hi,
    I like to navigate with a Map showing "north on top".
    Using this with my android phone in 2D it works...but:
    the car arrow is moving - until "I" leve the current screen. The map section remains the same - the arrow is somewhere.
    Is not foreseen to let the map follow my position in this mode? This is really a very nice app: I guess, most probably,  I messed up with the settings - somehow, somewhere...

    Can somebody help to navigate me through this?

    Thx, Frans
  • 14 Comments sorted by
  • Happy New Year!

    If I could make a wish for 2014, I would like you to finally implement correct behaviour of north oriented maps when in "navigation mode". Meaning that the GPS cursor should stay centered and does not move out of the map range like it does now. As you already do it right when in "non navigating mode" it can't be such a big thing to do.

    I personally use mostly north oriented maps, e.g. when hiking or sailing, so I'm much more used to this point of view and therefore would be pleased to have it too in navigator  (windows, WIN-CE and Android versions, I use them all).

    Thanks for your continuing support


  • just a refresh: still waiting on 2d north-up navigation...
    it makes me crazy, during driving, the map is always turning!!!
    2d north-up navigation is a must have :-)
  • Good to see not being the only one with that request...
  • On PC Version, you have to click on the compass rose.
    It switches between north up, north up with moving map, direction up.
    May be, it's the same for Android...
    I can't test it, because I've got an incompatible device.
  • Fast answer, thx. Thats what I did. Like in other Nav programs...It didn't work....
  • That's exactly what I experienced today: In navigation mode "North Up" vehicle leaves the screen - not really useful for navigation purposes. Is this a feature or am I missing something? When using Navigator as "map viewer" (without active navigation) the actual GPS-position stays correctly centered on the screen.
    (Android, MapFactor Navigator 0.13.27)
  • Well, it is possible, but quiet tricky - and you have to do it each time, you want to navigate a new tour:

    When you're navigating, go to the settings-menu, select GPS an unselect in the Map-section the point Map Rotation. Your map is now north up and won't rotate.

    But, as I said, you have to do it each time you are navigating.

    (That's what I found as a possible solution. I use the WinCE-Version.)
  • Hi crocodilefarm, I tried this on my Windows Mobile and there it acts like you described it Unfortunately, it doesn't work this way in the Android-version. But today I received a mail from MapFactor-support telling that this feature will be added soon and that sounds good to me.
  • Hi Tomas, is there a plan when this feature is going to be implemented?
  • :-) I am not sure what feature are you after
  • All right Tomas, I'm gonna help you remember: This is what I once wrote and what you wrote back:

    [mapfactor-support #5795] Problem with "North Up" mode‏

    tomas via RT (support@rt[...])

    To: jamba[...]

    Hi Jamba,
    thist feature we will be added soon.
    On Sat Mar 16 22:51:50 2013, jamba[...] wrote:
    > Android, MapFactor Navigator 0.13.27
    > As stated in at
    > least two persons discovered that in 2D-navigation mode "North Up"
    > the map doesn't move and the vehicle leaves the screen instead of
    > remaining at a useful position (on the bottom part of the screen or
    > centered) - not really practical for navigation purposes. Is this a
    > feature or am I missing something? When using Navigator as "map
    > viewer" (without active navigation) the actual GPS-position stays
    > correctly centered on the screen.
    > with kind regards
  • I see, I will ask programers
  • Bump
    I would also like 2D-North Up navigation. I currently reset the map manually as the cursor approaches the edge of the screen. 
  • see settings/navigation map mode

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