troubles in route planning
  • Hi All,
    I am experiencing troubles when planning a route with more than 2 points (i.e endpoints) if I insert intermediate wp and try to "force" the route through all the points I want: it calculates funny routes that are most unlikely the fastest or the shortest, (they definitely are the funniest though...). It doesn't do it all the times, and seems to worsen with increasing the number of attempts.
    The same thing applies when reversing a route, swapping departure and destination and keeping the intermediate points with the built-in function in the route menu. The result looks as if the intermediate points weren't swapped, despite the list would suggest so.
    Any hints please?
    Many thanks

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Can you check itinerary if they are listed in correct order (after route computation)? At first sight it looks ok, so it could be related to given points/network.

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  • mdx June 2011