slovakia - admin level import to osm finished
  • hello mapfactor devs,

    i would like to make you aware of the fact that import of admin level boundaries for slovakia has been finished in recent days. please refer to when indexing these data. please pay special attention to bratislava and kosice so that the user is no longer required to know which part (e. g. bratislava I - stare mesto) a street that he's looking for belongs to.

    let me know if there's something more you might need.


  • 20 Comments sorted by
  • OK, thanks - we will check the data when the first planet.osm in September 2012 will be available.
  • hello martin,

    i checked today. still not working the way i'd expect it to. e. g. i know i want to find nevadzova street in bratislava. i still need to know which county (okres Bratislava II) this street belongs to. going via bratislava is a no go. bratislava and kosice should be supersets of all children counties so i should be able to find nevadzova in both Bratislava and Okres Bratislava II.

    kind regards,

  • Hello Jose,
    I checked the Nov2012 data and you are right. There is still a problem with Bratislava and Kosice - they have valid polygons (we get them into data processing), but they have wrong administrative level in MCA :( ... similar problem is with Hamburg, Moscow, ... i.e. special cities which do not fit well in our admin hierarchy. Bratislava is more than district (okres) and that's the highest level where Navigator is searching now.
    Is the search correct now for other/smaller cities in Slovakia?
    thank you

  • hey martin,
    small cities search seems to work perfectly now. thinking about Bratislava and Kosice - i believe you can drop the 'okresy' altogether (as i cannot think of a situation when someone wants to navigate using e. g. Kosice IV instead of Kosice) and make the big polygon the same level as for the other/smaller cities. hope your code is flexible enough to allow such change.
  • OK, we may assign Kosice and Bratislava on the same level as "okresy", but there are still more levels than we can search now:
    Bratislava, 6, 1702499
    okres Bratislava I, 8, 388234
    Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto, 9, 1700677
    Staré Mesto, 10, 1700676

    so you would drop "okres Bratislava I"? At the moment you can choose only from three assigned levels (from four available now).

    or we can add Bratislava _next_ to "okres Bratislava I..V" and duplicate the records ... we will investigate this option ...
  • either drop or duplicate. to be honest though, i cannot imagine why would anyone want to search for okres Bratislava I, II, III .. but either way. if bratislava and kosice will contain each and every street defined in osm, i will be happy :-)
  • Hi Jose,
    the fix for computing Slovakia OSM Dec 2012 is prepared. There were more issues I did not noticed before (even I promised I will check it in September) - now also "Kraj" should be fixed (if you click on 'i'-info), and small villages (admin_level=10) should be part of search. This problem was not very visible because you could see the named streets in search assigned by the nearest place.

    Let me know if you find any problem (the map of Slovakia should be processed this week).
    p.s. in Czech Republic we had problem with some areas, where boundary=administrative was present but tag place was not. This caused search to display empty page without "City center" ... if you will notice something similar we could run the same patch as for CR.
  • Hi Jose,
    slovakia_osm_121213.mca is on update now (or better it should be on download servers within 1h). Bratislava is now as "OKRES" which is still not very good :( ... it is confusing with Bratislava (center of settlement) with assigned nearby streets. Info about "Kraj" seems to be working correctly now. Next batch (Jan 2013) we may assign the same level for Bratislava and Kosice as other cities.
    Let me know, what do you think

  • hi martin,
    yes, okres is a bit confusing but at least it really seems to contain all the streets in either bratislava or kosice. bratislava - stare mesto seems a bit superfluous, espec. because it contains zero streets. also i am not really sure whether we need to scan for addresses near center of settlement now that we have boundaries across the whole country.
  • btw, i don't think these: should show up as streetnames in the list..
  • bratislava is broken again in the latest update :-(
  • mysql> select * from osm_slovakia_2013_01_mff.osm_admin where name="Bratislava";
    Empty set (0.00 sec)

    mysql> select * from osm_slovakia_2012_12_mff.osm_admin where name="Bratislava";
    | id_admin | id_shp  | id_admin_type | id_admin_parent | name       |
    |  1702499 | 1702499 |             6 |          388265 | Bratislava |

    It looks like
    1) Slovakia boundary was not valid (used was previous version)
    2) there were some admin issues:
    admin_level error 2208763 {'admin_level': u'9.5', 'boundary': u'administrative', 'type': u'boundary', 'name': u'Petr\u017ealka'}

    admin_level error 2208767 {'admin_level': u'9.5', 'boundary': u'administrative', 'type': u'boundary', 'name': u'Ru\u017einov'}

    ... but at the first sight it looks like the Bratislava polygon from 2504 points (planet 130102) is valid ... strange ... more later.

  • It looks like somebody fixed the boundary issue last week

    (Comment: Repairing self-intersecting part of the border which caused OSMI invalid geometry error)
    ... but I am still not sure if that could cause the problem. Dump of planet should start today, so next week you could see Slovakia on "early maps" updates. Let me know if the problem persist ...
    thanks for patience

  • Hi Jose,
    if you would like to test Slovakia (or any other) data _without_ artificial binding to center of settlement (tag place), you can test Android APK 0.14.21+
    More info about this search feature is on Experimental search thread.
  • i'd love to test it but i do not have any android device
  • Hi Jose,
    do you plan to add also places in admin areas, or should we add "dummy places" as in some areas in Czech Republic? We got report (internal RT6504) about "Bardejovska nova Ves" which does not have any named streets yet so you get empty page in navigator. By "dummy place" I mean "a fake point" for "Town center".
    thank you
    p.s. I tested it on slovakia_osm, data creation=201304220
  • i think this should be fixed in osm data. is this the only candidate for "dummy place" or are there more? thanks, jose
  • Hi Jose,
    in mean time Slovakia OSM was processed from May planet.osm, i.e. now I am talking about yesterday (130508) version. There are 6595 administrative areas and 697 missing corresponding places without any named street. The problem could be also slightly different name.
    let me know how to proceed (at the moment I would probably add "dummy places" like in czech_republic_osm)

  • let's go with dummy for the moment.
  • ok, slovalika_osm is recomputed and available on download in Early Maps (version 130509). Please let me know if you find any problem

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