disallow u-turns in and close to junctions in czech/slovak map (OSM data)
  • hello, according to both "8/2009 Zákon o cestnej premávke, § 22" (SK) and "Zákon o provozu na pozemních komunikacích, § 24" (CZ) it is not allowed to make a u-turn in and close to junction with traffic lights (such as here: http://osrm.at/1Rm). during my quick test it turned out that mapfactor free is not adhering to this rule. as this is a general rule that applies to all junctions in both countries (unless a road sign allows u-turn) i don't think it makes sense to have community specify all the turn restrictions and rather have the pre-processor do the job. in essence i believe we need to put into no_uturn restrictions all combination of ways that originate outside the junction area, then allow for at least 180 degree left turn and are not tagged as roundabouts.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Good point. Traffic lights are currently not imported/processed. Do you mean the tag "highway"="traffic_signals" associated with nodes?
    thank you

  • > Do you mean the tag "highway"="traffic_signals" associated with nodes? 


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