Waiting for Valid GPS Signal
  • I've just installed Navigator Free on my Android and downloaded relevant
    maps. I tried to start using it but it says "Waiting for valid GPS
    signal". What do I do?
  • 7 Comments sorted by
  • There are several possibilities:

    - does your Android device have a GPS sensor at all?
    - have you switched your GPS on, in Android?
    If yes, then maybe you have no GPS reception or a too weak signal. Doesn't work inside a building.

    To find that out use either GPS Info, in Navigator under tools or install e.g. the GPS Status app.


  • you can also try to reboot your device, it quite often helps
  • I have a similar problem on a Surface Pro 3 with a GPS dongle. Just spotted this discussion - sorry I already started another about this.
  • is it android device?
  • Surface pro is from Microsoft and is Win 8 I think
  • I that case who knows if external GPS will work
    which chipset is the GPS dongle?
  • I finally resolved the issue. This might help others as Surface Pro 3 becomes more popular. I had to install a program to help it recognise the GPS. It is called GPSDirect. This problem apparently occurs for both Windows 7 and Windows 8. The Win 7 version fixes Win 8 too. After I installed it everything immediately worked as expected!! :)
    "GPSDirect maps it to a Windows GPS Sensor for your Windows applications to be GPS sensor-aware"

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