Navigator Free 12.3 gets me crazy !
  • Hi everybody

    I'm testing Navigator 12.3 free on a Viamichelin x960 PNA (Win CE 5.0, QVGA display 65536 colors, Samsung ARM920 300 mhz, RAM 64 mo, ROM 128 mo).

    I need to use the "InstallSD" trick :InstallSD folder on the SD card, and InstalllSD.exe (Mortscript) in it to launch Navigator 12.
    I've seen other posts relative to VM devices and I've added the necessary dll's in the Navigator folder.

    Navigator 12 rarely starts completely: Most of time, the display remains stuck at the splash screen. BUT ...If I eject the SD card and put it back in the device, then I see the map !!! Of course it is inactive (no area to tap, and only "bip" if I touch the screen).
    Furthermore: I made a copy of the whole SD card via Activesync while the program was running, but even with this copy I cannot start it again ...
    Here's a log after unsuccessfull test :

    command line:'--nohires --window_border=no'
    SYS_HIRES: Not running in highres mode
    IDC file: \Storage Card\nv12\atlas_free.idc
    Trying to load \Storage Card\nv12\settings.xml
    \Storage Card\nv12\settings.xml loaded and initialized
    Settings loaded successfully.
    SYS_DPI: 96,96
    PROFILER: <1> new BarneyApplication() - 0.036 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) BarneyApplication::initBarneyUniverse() START - 0.959 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) BarneyApplication::initBarneyUniverse() splashScreen showed - 1.266 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) BarneyApplication::initBarneyUniverse() localization initialized - 1.805 secs
    Version: v.12.3.0 PND
    Resolution: 320 x 240
    PROFILER: <2> ResourceContainer::ResourceContainer() - 0.438 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) BarneyApplication::initBarneyUniverse() ResourceContainer COLD initialization - 2.246 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) BarneyApplication::initBarneyUniverse() SoundsPlayer and Events initialized - 2.270 secs
    sound_en                        : data version= 2, data creation=200809171, vendor id=0, license id=0, path='\Storage Card\NV12\sounds_en.mca\', name=MapFactor - Lotta
    sound_fr                        : data version= 2, data creation=200809171, vendor id=0, license id=0, path='\Storage Card\NV12\sounds_fr.mca\', name=MapFactor
    sound_xx_signal                 : data version= 2, data creation=201001271, vendor id=0, license id=0, path='\Storage Card\NV12\sounds_xx_signal.mca\', name=Signal sounds
    earth_osm                       : data version=41, data creation=201101271, vendor id=1, license id=0, path='\Storage Card\NV12\earth_osm.mca\'
    france_osm_east                 : data version=44, data creation=201401280, vendor id=1, license id=0, path='\Storage Card\NV12\france_osm_east.mca\'
    france_osm_north                : data version=44, data creation=201401120, vendor id=1, license id=0, path='\Storage Card\NV12\france_osm_north.mca\'
    france_osm_south                : data version=44, data creation=201401180, vendor id=1, license id=0, path='\Storage Card\NV12\france_osm_south.mca\'
    france_osm_west                 : data version=44, data creation=201401250, vendor id=1, license id=0, path='\Storage Card\NV12\france_osm_west.mca\'
    spain_osm                       : data version=44, data creation=201401220, vendor id=1, license id=0, path='\Storage Card\NV12\spain_osm.mca\'
    Tuple::parseValueUnicode - parsing value 'system' in 'system' tuple failed
    PROFILER: <2> BarneyApplication::initSoundsPlayer() - 0.866 secs
    License OK: public key = 'RUFKP-FQWDG-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx'
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: licence check finished - 3.289 secs
    loadMapResources: DataVersion: <44,44>
    PROFILER: <3> DbsConfig::init() FINISH - 2.611 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: DbsConfig initialised - 5.942 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: Tie(Base+Driver) initialised - 6.162 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: signposts initialised - 6.183 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: lanes info initialised - 6.207 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: GAPI surface initialised - 6.226 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: map view created - 7.863 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: map view initialised - 9.242 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: UOM constructed - 9.450 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: GpsTmcGui constructed - 9.623 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: TmcEventAccessor constructed - 9.627 secs
    PROFILER: <3> CarTrackingGui::CarTrackingGui() FINISHED - 0.087 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: CarTrackingGui constructed - 9.718 secs
    Routing: setVehicleProfile().
    PROFILER: <4> RoutingProvider::updateRoutingData - 0.031 secs
    Routing: setVehicleProfile(Car).
    PROFILER: <4> NavigationGui::loadLinkParams - 0.002 secs
    PROFILER: <3> NavigationGui::NavigationGui() FINISHED - 0.652 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: NavigationGui constructed - 10.397 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) loadMapResources: remote communication started - 10.398 secs
    PROFILER: <2> loadMapResources: finish - 7.147 secs

    When everything runs fine, the log continues this way :
    PROFILER: (TS) BarneyApplication::initBarneyUniverse() ResourceContainer HOT initialization - 14.817 secs
    PROFILER: (TS) BarneyApplication::initBarneyUniverse() FINISHED - 14.998 secs
    PROFILER: <1> initBarneyUniverse() - 14.077 secs
    CONNECTING TO com device - port: COM1; speed: 4800
    So ... What do you think ?
    Many thanks.
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Hello,
    I'm back with my problem ... For now, it ***seems*** it has something to do with the way Navigator Free was terminated after the previous session: If it ended abruptly because of a device reset, battery failure or so, the app will not start again. In this case, the "ResetToDefaults" link is not sufficient to fix the start. Last time, I had to delete my "search history" files too. This time, the failure was caused by a device reset I had done because I could not quit the "road restrictions settings" (tap on the cross in the upper right corner of the screen did not work, although I could see the cross changing state).

    Since I use a script to set the system sound volume to max level and then start the app, I have added a 5 seconds pause after the "quit" command, in order to let the system write everything properly.

    Thanks for any advice !
  • Here I am again.

    I've noticed something that could possibly be helpful: When the program freezes at startup, it often seems to be exactly when it should display the driver safety warning (when clicked "no" at previous start, in order not to disable this warning).
    I have another install (ie another SD card) with this warning disabled; the map shows on, but I can't tap anything : no sensitive area shown, error sound when I touch the screen. With this SD card, if I manually edit settings.xml to "<warn_drivers>yes</warn_drivers>", the splashscreen does not show up ...

    HTH !

  • Hi,
    Another attempt to restart the app, another "freeze":

    At first start right after install, I clicked "no" on the driver safety warning screen.
    Made my basic setup (language, GPS settings, vehicle, preferred route mode) and close the app with the appropriate icon in the main menu. In the meanwhile, the GPS position was fixed (although I were inside my home) and displayed on the map, but I had made no search, no route calculation, no travel .

    First attempt to restart : Freeze when I should see the safety warning.
    Reset the device, manually edit settings.xml to set no (line 12).
    Second attempt to start : No safety warning of course, the map displayed, and ... nothing, no menu, no sensitive zone to tap.
    New reset end new manual edit of settings.xml, lines 19 to 21, to set 0
    0, and this time start is OK.
    I think the x and y values reflected my place (I didn't write them down), as for the zoom factor, it was enormous (didn't zoom in before I stopped the app, so the display was full world).

    HTH again !

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