Test of version 7.3.x for Android
  • 84 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Tomas,

    Logs and gpx files download link - 

    GPX files created with ITN converter 1.94 gpx 1.0
    GPX files created with Route Converter 3.0 gpx 1.1


    After importing a gpx file succesfully I get this message "Navigator isn't responding - Close app or Wait"

    After extensive testing I narrowed it down to the number of waypoints.

    RouteConverter - Error "Navigator isn't responding - Close app or Wait" with gpx route with over 16 waypoints.

    ITN Converter - Error "Navigator isn't responding - Close app or Wait" with gpx route with over 17 waypoints.

    You can try it with the GPX files attached or create your own.

    Please note the file is imported successfully but have to restart the app as the message keeps popping up.

    Let me know of your findings.
  • results sent by email
  • 7.3.62
    -crash on devices running Android 14 fix
  • The message 'You have reached your destination' comes 20-50 meters too early. I could also see that on the GPS track, so the GPS was accurate enough.
  • Strange issue.

    Here it goes.

    Phone connected to Cardo Freecom 4X helmet intercom. The intercom is connected via Bluetooth to the phone and no other app is used such as radio or music.

    When MapFactor issues an instruction the first 2-3 words are not coming through. For instance "for turn right at London Road" I will usually here "at London Road".

    I was wondering if any other bikers experience this type of issue and mainly whether there is a solution such as a couple of faint blips before the voice message. 

  • do you have stereo sond on your mobile?
  • Morning Tomas,
    I think is in stereo. Its a Sony xperia 1 IV, android 13.
  • try another sound channel in settings/advanced
  • Will do.

    Was set on BT Handsfree headset
    Will try the other channels and let you know.
  • "try another sound channel in settings/advanced"
    Yes, that helped. I switched from the standard channel to the Bluetooth headset channel.

    The message 'You have reached your destination' comes 50 meters too
    early. I could also see that on the GPS track, so the GPS was accurate
    I can't work with this behavior. It is reproducible with a navigation simulation. I recall that this issue was not always this extreme. I will try using an older version.
  • we have not changed any of this for years
  • @tomas
    Re. Missed beginning of announcements.
    You were 100% right. Changed from BT to the Default (Automatic) and worked. You are good!
    Seems the opposite to @Matthias worked for me.

  • "we have not changed any of this for years" - The same problem exists in PC Navigator for Windows. Why does the software generally work so inaccurately? How many years would I have to go back to get the old accuracy (maybe I'm mistaken)?
  • it has always been 50m, from day one and I have never heard anybody complaing about it
    please realise that it takes second or two to announce it, getting this message at the spot would be to late
  • But 50 meters is a bit too much, especially because you generally drive more slowly before reaching an intermediate destination. It seems that a radius of 50 meters is also used for route optimization. At least, that would explain the optimization errors I noticed on a specific tour with many closely spaced destinations.
  • there is no radius for route optiisation, not sure what are you describing
    please email and explain in detail
  • The route optimization skipped an entire block, moved on to the next one, then went back to the skipped block, and finally returned to the next one again. Something isn't working correctly there.
  • 7.3.64
    When the smartphone is locked, the GPS navigation is stopped. I have installed an older version that works correctly. BTW, I have DuraSpeed and battery manager turned off.

    It seems there is a development gap.
  • Navigator should be set On in Duraspeed
  • "Navigator should be set On in Duraspeed"
    I have completely disabled DuraSpeed. I can't turn anything on or off. The Battery Manager is also completely disabled. With the older version, it works. Only the communication with the GPS will be disabled. Route simulation works even when the phone is locked. This is a MapFactor problem, not caused by my smartphone.
  • let me try to explain this
    with each release we have to declare which version of Android Navigator is for and it cannot be Android version older than one year
    Navigator 7.3.62 was declared for Android 13, Navigator 7.3.64 was declared for Android 14

    as we made no changes, appart from the above mentioned declaration, it is obvious that Android treats apps for v14 differently
    when screen is off Navigator 7.3.64 keeps running if battery is set to unrestricted - unfortunately Android keeps changing this setting on it's own accord and there is not much we can do about it

    role of Duraspeed is to keep selected apps in unrestricted battery mode, that is why it has been introduced - I have no problem with Duraspeed, not sure why you disabled it, but there may be other ways to keep battery settings on unrestricted setiings

  • " not sure why you disabled it," - I had disabled it when setting up Android 11 because it sends apps that are not explicitly set to "On" into battery management, even if this is disabled. So, when you had disabled the battery manager, DuraSpeed rendered that useless. But I want to try how it goes when I turn on DuraSpeed and configure the important apps accordingly. 

    I will conduct further tests in the coming weeks, also with Android 14, and will report my results here afterwards. However, because of this bug, I was late for an important appointment on Saturday. So it's not just a joke from me, but a real issue.
  • Possibly not the right place but here it goes...

    Is there any way I can share more than one gpx route from "my places".

    Sharing one route at a time is a bit slow and cumbersome.  


    [-O< [-O<
  • I was reading the Android Play Store comments, and there are other people who have the same problem: the GPS is turned off when the phone is locked. The response from MapFactor was, "GPS is controlled by Android." :( This is the wrong approach. When will this development gap end? What is going on with the developers?
  • we are awaiting Google approval
    once received, we can publish new version, which will fix this issue

    you can revert to v7.3.62, but please make backup to Drive first
  • Just updated to v.7.3.65 (from v.7.3.64) from Play Store. App crashes at splash screen. Gone back to 7.3.64 & all OK. Google Pixel 9 running Android 14.
  • I have version 7.3.48 installed because I haven't saved any other version. In this version, I am having issues with the map import; when I import all maps, the program crashes. However, I can import a single map.

    Edit: Today it imported all maps, but it took a few minutes. The trick was to keep the smartphone unlocked and do nothing to disturb the process.
  • Updated to v.7.3.66 & it seems to working.
  • 7.3.70 (http://download.mapfactor.com/mapfactor_navigator.apk)

    Background location permission added - enable Navigator receive locations even when the app is in  background
  • Hi,

    Thanks to stepan who reports the 7.3.70 version. I know the link is in the subject to get it.

    But how can you explain that today Google Play still proposes 7.3.68 the 20th november version, three weeks later ?

    I've seen a 4th december version, then the last 8th december version. What's the problem ?
  • Google must approve every version before it is released, we cannot do anything but wait
  • When Google Play releases the 4th december, and the 8th december versions <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mapfactor.navigator&gt; what approvement is required ?
    On my two phones, Google Play only shows the 20th november version, already installed.
  • background use is the issue
  • Hi,

    Is there a way to know the history of updates ? I didn't find any information on the google play page.

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