Motorway exit only to be taken back onto the motorway straight away
  • In the south of France, Navigator wanted us to take a motorway exit several times, only to lead us back onto the motorway immediately afterwards. We had already experienced this behaviour in Germany.
  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • please email departure and destination in coordinates, then we can check
  • departure: 43.114456, 6.355068
    destination: 45.293450, 5.509499 
  • Icannot see any such problem wirh defaulr car settings
    please check your vehicle settings

  • Which vehicle settings can lead to the problem described? Why only at some motorway exits and not at all?

    I will send you an email with my settings.

  • I've had this happen a few times over the last few years.

    I think it can be related to traffic conditions when it tries to save a few seconds.

    Are there limits on the time saved by taking an exit ?
    IMO a saving of a few minutes on a long journey is not worth the effort of taking a short diversion.
  • it is more likely incorrect vehicle settings, but please email details, than we can check

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