Navigation of mini-roundabouts
  • Hi, I have recently started trying out Navigator. I particularly like the flexible route options.
    I have a question about mini roundabouts. I have noticed that Navigator does not seem to give instructions when approaching them in the same way that it does for normal roundabouts. For example, at a mini-roundabout where you take the second exit, it just says "bear right". When approaching from the opposite direction it gives no instructions at all ie it seems to be treating the mini roundabout as a junction where another road is joining the major road which I'm on.
    I am using the openstreetmaps. Is there an option to make instructions at mini roundabouts more verbose?
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Are you sure, that OSM data have a roundabout there an not an ordinary junction?
  • I'm pretty sure, it is reported as mini-roundabout #134508 when I query it. I have noticed this behaviour with other mini-roundabouts too
  • Sorry to dig up a two year old link but I've got the same issue.  I've checked OpenStreeMap and the Mini Roundabouts that Navigator is ignoring are definitely Mini Roundabouts.
  • It can be weird on large roundabouts as well which it treats as separate roads.

    One I use often it says keep left when I actually want to turn right and take the third exit.

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