I've founda strange behaviorof the router.Itoccurs in bothversion11 and 12.Itrelates tothe routingatahighwayramp.The firstdrivewayis routed(buttheninthewrong direction),I wonder ifthe second drivewaywould have beenthe correctroute.On thehighway, the routeisthen effected a180 degreeturnon the spot, and thenget back onthe correctroute.If you runa routingin Germanyof64653 Lorsch,Rehngartenstrasseto Mannheim,Mallaustraßetherouting error occures at about 49° 39'45, 2"N 8 °34'27"ramp ontheB460.The errorcould alsoberelated onfaulty openStreetMapmaterial since theroutingofMapquesthas the sameroutingerror.
I had a similar problem last Saturday but I don't think it was a map error. Leaving Ramstein Airforce Base in Germany, I entered my home address as destination using Navigator FREE. Traveling down the local road L363, we came to the access roads to the Autobahn A6. The app wanted to send me West instead of East. Obviously ignoring the instructions, I went on the correct access road. The moment I did, the app corrected and worked from that point on correctly.
Both Mapquest and Google Maps showed the correct route.