Installing Navigator FREE on Windows CE 6.0 OEM in Kia
  • Hello, I've been trying to install Navigator FREE with compatible maps on my Kia factory built OEM which is running on Windows CE 6.0 build 2217. Unfortunately, after preparing everything with the installer and creating files (pocket version) on my pendrive and trying to run it on the device, it returns an error "application not compatible with Windows CE". Any ideas on what could be wrong/what I could be doing wrong?

    Any response appreciated.
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Are you sure you selected the WINCE version.
    After you have clicked on "Pocket Navigator install" you are offered the choice of
    Pocket PC or Windows Mobile device
    Windows CE device   <- that's the one you have to choose for installation.

    Just be aware that you might need some additional .dlls, depending how your WINCE version is provided by KIA

  • Hello,
    Thanks for the response Uli! I do think that I've downloaded the correct version od the software - to be sure, I've downloaded a WinCE 6.0 emulator, moved the downloaded files there and tried to run it - everything worked smooth (unfortunately?) I will try again today, but I guess if it narrows down to the .dll problem - would there be a solution to that? I'm not a programmer, so I don't think I would be able to solve it on my own.
  • I've checked the thread you provided, also read another thread by inazuma69 who made it possible to install Navigator on his viamichelin, and it seems like the problem narrows down to missing dll's. But the problem for me would be how to find out which of the dll's my head unit's system is missing for the Navigator to run properly? Do you have any idea on that? I know that after I find out what I'm missing, it will come down to many trials and errors with the dll's to make it work.

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