Can not restore data from google drive
  • Two Android phones, Navigator 5.5.35 installed in both of them.
    I did backups to google drive on phone1. I can see the backups on phone2, I can select backup to restore from it and select which data to restore, but no data are restored actually.
    Where can be the problem?
    Thank, Michal
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Thanks for quick answer. But it does not help. The link is  v. 5.5.66
    v. 5.5.35 does not restore data backuped by v 5.5.35
    v. 5.5.66 does not restore data backuped by v 5.5.35
    v. 5.5.66 does not restore data backuped by v 5.5.66
    v. 5.5.66 DOES restore data backuped by some previous version of Navigator (I do not know exactly what version it was)

    So it seems to me the problem (in newer versions) is in creating backup, not in restoring.
    Thanks, Michal
  • I tried just one of your claim
    v. 5.5.66 does not restore data backuped by v 5.5.66

    for me it works as it shoud
  • Ok, my fault, it should be
    my phone2 with v. 5.5.66 does not restore data backuped by my phone1 with v 5.5.66
    and so on

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