No Route Available
  • Updated to Navigator Free 16(v.16.0.1) on Mio 169 Pocket PC running Windows Mobile 2003 and almost every time I get 'No route available' error. Remember v15 used to work fine, never got this error message.
    App does not crash. I tried all routing modes. Vehicle type is set to Car, from which I removed all road restrictions (Small Local Road and Other Road were checked out), so everything is enabled. GPS Device is available as SERIAL CABLE ON SP2, GPS status Connected and navigating.
    Cannot see any obvious errors in the logs:

    This snippet is the one repeating:
    Routing::memSize() = 4618394 (before)
    Finding route (fastest-transit, unknown) [route:- 2190 926 84 0.826368 2165 6119 39 0.665747]
    RoutingMultiThreaded: findRoute
    Undefined vehicle type
    Routing: limits(250000.0, 60.0, 10000, 1000, -1).
    PROFILER: <3> DualRouting - step1 - 0.569 secs
    num expanded = 10002 (126811,49152)
    PROFILER: <3> DualRouting - step1 - 0.521 secs
    num expanded = 10001 (274094,0)
    PROFILER: <3> DualRouting - step1 - 0.538 secs
    num expanded = 10001 (0,65325)
    PROFILER: <3> DualMegaRouting - convert basic2transit - 0.060 secs
    PROFILER: <3> DualRouting - step1 - 1.299 secs
    num expanded = 22014 (2552674,3075534)
    PROFILER: <3> DualRouting - merge - 0.015 secs
    PROFILER: <3> DualMegaRouting - retrieve path - 0.007 secs
    Repository - released 30720, pages 12
    Repository - released 38912, pages 14
    Repository - released 34816, pages 15
    Repository - released 36864, pages 16
    short-cut 0x40b4d32 score(3014/874), len(2120/1427)
    short-cut 0x8027db0 score(946/953), len(666/657)
    PROFILER: <3> RoutingProvider - add distance and time info - 0.335 secs
    PROFILER: <2> ARouting::::findRoute - 3.731 secs
    PROFILER: <1> ARouting::::findJoinedRoute - 5.516 secs
    Routing::memSize() = 4618394 (after)
    Route info (len = 712521m, time = 32026sec)
    PROFILER: <1> decrease orig route speed - 5.925 secs

    Any idea what the problem is or how I could revert to v15 ?
  • 33 Comments sorted by
  • please provide departure and destination in coordinates
  • Departure 45°46'40.6''N 21°40'48.2''E
    Destination 45°45'14.2''N 21°13'32.5''E
  • I have no problem calculating route using default car settings
    please check your vehicle settings
  • Vehicle is set to car. Neither default car or modified car (with Small Local Road and Other Road enabled) worked.
    Isn't it a problem that the log states Undefined vehicle type ?
    'Finding route (fastest-transit, unknown) [route:- 2190 926 84 0.826368 2165 6119 39 0.665747]
    RoutingMultiThreaded: findRoute
    Undefined vehicle type'
  • createa new car (Car+), set it active and try to calculate route
  • Created a new Vehicle, set its type to Car, removed all road restrictions -> still getting the same error 'No Route Available'. Same when using Vehicle = Bus.
    Meanwhile setting Departure, Destination and then clicking Menu->Route->Calculate Route properly shows the route on the map. It's just Navigate that does not work.
  • in that case it is most likely problem with your GPS
    try to reboot your device, it usually helps

  • Tried to reboot several times. Do not think it's a GPS problem. Seems that navigating using Vehicle type = Pedestrian or Bicycle works fine. Bus, Truck, Car do not work. I guess there is a problem with the departure coordinates...
  • There was one early version of Navigator 16 which did not find route in 90% of cases. Try to update to newer version.
  • I think I'm running latest: v.16.0.1
    I can find route by:
    1. Setting departure and destination and the using Menu->Route->Calculate Route
    2. Navigating using Bicycle or Pedestrian as Vehicle Type
    What does not work is navigating with Car/Truck/Bus.
    And while navigating short routes, like the one mention above, work with Bicycle, longer routes do not (problably some limitation set on bike vehicle type). Otherwise I could have just used that instead of Car.
    My position in shown correctly on the map.
    What I also observed is that the small dialog 'Route computation - Fastest' does not appear when trying to navigate, only on calculate route.
  • If there isn't a way to revert to an older version will just have to wait for a new one to arrive. Maybe that fixes things.
  • navigate and calculate route is using the same vehicle profile and destination - the only difference is departure
    so you must look at your GPS or GPS settings
  • When using calculate route I am setting the exact same departure point on the map as the current position arrow.
    Latest I've tried is:
    Departure: 45° 46' 12.2''N (as shown in Current position details)
    Destination: 21° 40' 13.2''E
    Vehicle: Car
    Route Type: Fastest
    Satelites: 6-7
    Position of big arrow on the map looks perfect.
    Calculate route worked, navigate did not.

    Btw, around the current position arrow, I have a few small, purple points and arrows. What are those ? Could not find a reference in the manual.
  • you are not giving all details for departure and destination
  • He gave those already in the 3rd post and you already used them as well.
  • third post
    Departure 45°46'40.6''N 21°40'48.2''E
    Destination 45°45'14.2''N 21°13'32.5''E

    Departure: 45° 46' 12.2''N
    Destination: 21° 40' 13.2''E

    incomplete and different
  • Sorry. You are right.
  • Sorry. Tried different coordinates from 3rd post. Still the same problem.
    Departure: 45° 46' 12.2''N 21° 40' 13.2''E
    45° 41' 11.1''N 21° 54' 22.5''E
  • Btw, around the current position arrow, I have a few
    small, purple points and arrows. What are those ? Could not find a
    reference in the manual.
    Any way I could revert to Navigator Free v15 ?
  • I have no problem calculating this route either
    I have no idea what do you mean by 'purple points'

  • I can also calculate the route just fine. It occured to me that you probably cannot test navigating from this departure point. Are you a Navigator dev ? Any way I could make the logging more verbose ?
    Or revert to a older version of Navigator ? Did not have any problems with the older versions.

    Small purple points appear next to the current position arrow - guess they are previous 'current' locations on the map. The current position fluctuates a bit:
    Departure: 45° 46' 12.2''N 21° 40' 13.2''E to 45° 46' 12.8''N 21° 40' 13.8''E
  • may be map files are corrupted?
    try to delete maps and redownload

    but I think problem must be with GPS or GPS settings
  • Re-installed maps and app 2 or 3 times - still same problem.
    What GPS settings may be wrong ?
    Port is COM2, baud rate 4800.
    Will try different departure coordinates for navigate next time I go out.
    Thanks for all your help.
  • try to record NMEA and email it

  • Tried different start yesterday.
    Departure: 45° 45' 48.798'' N 21° 14' 44.9016'' E
    Destination: 45° 41' 11.1''N 21° 54' 22.5''E - worked

    Navigating to former departure coordinates:
    45°46'40.6''N 21°40'48.2''E and 45° 46' 12.2''N 21° 40' 13.2''E did not work.
    These are problematic for both departure and destination it seems.
    I guess this rules out GPS device issues. Could it be a problem with the map or is it the software ?
  • either you are not using default car settings, or you have old maps

  • Navigator is v16.0.1 and Romania OSMap is v201703190, both re-installed last week.
    Tried both default car settings and Small Local Road + Other Road enabled.
    Calculate route works, navigate does not.
  • the only way this could happen is when GPS does not work correctly
    please record NMEA
  • Any software suggestion I could use to do that on Mio 169 Pocket PC running Windows Mobile 2003 ?
    This ok: ?
    Do you think my departure coordinates are wrong ?
  • Menu / GPS / Record journey
  • Looks like:
  • it seems fine, so I have no idea what the problem is

  • From what I've tried so far there are some points on the map to/from which I cannot navigate.
    One of them is: 4546.2154,N,02140.2278,E
    No way I could make Navigator logs more verbose - see why it cannot find a route?
    If I cannot rollback to an earlier program version will wait for a new one to come out.

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