Hello, in the search for POI, I searched Orlando International Airport but it does not appear in navigator, yet well encoded in OpenStreetMap (https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1144866), why?
The simplest explanation could be a hospital consisting of multiple buildings. The buildings are ways and these ways belong to the relation hospital.
Or think of a building with an "inner hole" like a football stadium: It consists of an outer way (line of nodes) and an inner way (line of nodes). Together they form the relation of the football stadium (maybe even with a couple of smaller buildings)
I suppose that is possible but you should never tag for some Navigation app. It's a bug in Navigator. When I tested with my relation bug in the other topic it could be found by OsmAnd and either MagicEarth or Maps.me. I can't remember which one I tested.
It would be terribly bad if someone put a lot of time in creating such a relation and someone else either replaces it or "doubles" it by adding an area.
Never try to "correct" good data because of a faulty app (in this case)
I understood what you meant, but defining an area is mostly a lot simpler than creating a relation consisting of a few or many ways or other relations. Some people spend a lot of time in defining objects into great detail. I have seen the same for train stations, shopping malls, cathedrals and again football stadiums and even old castle ruins.
It's like redrawing Michelangelo's "The creation of Adam" into some "stick figure" drawing because your child (Navigator) does not understand it.