Can't import any GPX-File on android 11
  • Hi.

    Since a update to android 11, i can't acces the Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator/gpx directory to store my gpx-files (restrictions from android 11).

    So i try to start Mapfactor with a GPX-file.
    After starting the program, Mapfactor ask me to import the gpx file.

    But after this, only a error messagr is displayed: "Importieren GPX-Dateiimport fehlgeschlagen"

    Is there any possibility to import a gpx-file????

    I have run logcat and find the folloing errors from mapfactor:

    9-09 16:20:12.970 20857 20857 D FragmentManager:     Op #0: REMOVE GPXImportDialogFragment{9833cc7} (84994f0f-4427-482e-821c-0c1b9cbe4a65 tag=GPX Import Dialog)
    09-09 16:20:12.970 20857 20857 W System.err: /data/user_de/0/com.mapfactor.navigator/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator/temp/primary:storage/emulated/0/Download/url/tannenecker.gpx: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
    09-09 16:20:12.974  1746  6279 D MIUIInput: [FoucsChange]: Display  0 FocusedWindow From Window{c1efe71 mode=1 rootTaskId=465 u0 GPX Datei Import: tannenecker.gpx}(1,1)  to null(0,0)
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at<init>(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at<init>(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at com.mapfactor.navigator.utils.FileIntentParser$5.onGPXImport(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at$6.onClick(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at android.view.View.performClick(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at android.view.View.performClickInternal(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at android.view.View.access$3600(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at android.view.View$
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at android.os.Looper.loop(
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at$
    09-09 16:20:12.975 20857 20857 W System.err:     at
    09-09 16:20:12.976 20857 20857 W System.err: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
    09-09 16:20:12.976 20857 20857 W System.err:     at Method)
    09-09 16:20:12.976 20857 20857 W System.err:     at
    09-09 16:20:12.976 20857 20857 W System.err:     at
    09-09 16:20:12.976 20857 20857 W System.err:     at
    09-09 16:20:12.976 20857 20857 W System.err:     at$
    09-09 16:20:12.976 20857 20857 W System.err:     at
    09-09 16:20:12.976 20857 20857 W System.err:     ... 17 more

  • 14 Comments sorted by
  • you can access hidden folders with CX file explorer, or by connecting to PC

    we can test if you email your GPX file to support
  • Why should this folder be hidden...?
  • ask Google, that is their policy
  • I think it is a Navigatorproblem.
    I have a smartphone (Android 11) and like to import a gpx-file. It is not possible with navigator.
    The same gpx with Osmand+ is no problem. Osmand imports this file and shows ist on the map....
  • I was talking about accessing folders in Android 11
    Navigator can import GPX files, please contact support if you have problem
  • I think it's a bug from mapfactor at importing the gpx file (see the error messages in logcat above).

    There is no possibility to import a gpx-file inside the app (very bad and a bit user unfriendly...) .

    The only way i can force import a gpx file is:  start mapfactor with the gpx-file with total commander.

    But than:  mapfactor shows me the data of the gpx-file (length/height/names/commend/.....)
    and shows the IMPORT button.
    After clicking the button the error occurs (bug)

    The android handy was new installed (all old date erased and a complete new android 11 installation).
    Mapfactor 7 was NEW installed.

    I can't acces the actual place from the apk installation position over adb on this new installed android:

    Look this:

    cd /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/  -> ok, exists (ls show's: cache and files)
    cd /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files  -> ok, exists
    ls  /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files  -> empty

    mkdir /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator -> ok
    ls /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator -> empty
    mkdir /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator/gpx -> ok
    ls /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator/gpx -> empty

    That's the place where i put the gpx file until android 10.

    Than i copy some gpx files to this gpx directory
    .... and  start mapfactor...
     -> no gpx files pesent

    It's a bug from mapfactor.

    I try this too:

    cd /data/data/com.mapfactor.navigator  -> permission denied
    cd /data/user/0/com.mapfactor.navigator -> permission denied
    cd /data/user_de/0/com.mapfactor.navigator  -> permission denied
    cd /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.mapfactor.navigator ->  No such file or directory
    cd data/user_de/0/com.mapfactor.navigator/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files -> permission denied

    Any idea how I can import gpx files?

    By the way: if i copy the same gpx file on the mobile-phone from my wife
    with the same mapfactor v7
    to dicrectory :  /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator/gpx
    but the android version is: 10

    it works without problems.
    that meens:
     - the gpx-file is ok
     - the directory is ok (until android 10)
     - the mapfactor apk is ok
  • please email your gpx file, then we can check
  • I delete Mapffactor and reinstall it  and i found the problem:

    At the begining of installation, mapfactor ask me for the install location:

    1.) Internal flash (data/user_de/0/...)
    2.) external SD1 (data/user/0/...)
    3.) external SD2 (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/)

    I have only internal flash (128GB) and on the first installation i choose: INTERNAL FLASH, becourse i have no external SD-card.

    Now i choose external SD2-card and i have access to the gpx folder. Great :-)

  • ???
    Does this mean Android 11 does not give access to an appropriate folder on internal mem?
  • Yes, the apps cannot access data which does not belong to them or are not public. Apps have to be modified to access a file opened with e.g. file manager, that's why GPX import on Navigator does not work on Android 11:
  • I have no problem importing GPX file with 80 waypoints in Android 11

     I imported Schiehallion.gpx from
  • Depends on used file manager, device vendor OS customisation and storage where the GPX is stored...
  • I use Pixel 2XL, standard Navigator installation, Explore file manager 
    just click on the GPX file, select Navigator and, after getting info dialog, clicking Import
  • Update 7.0.55: for me it is possible to import GPX with my Android 11 ;-))

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