Some city's got in OSM a name and an alt_name. Some are both avalible in mapfactor, and some are only name avalible. Can both be findable? Example in the Nethelands:
name: 2e Exloërmond, alt_name: Tweede Exloërmond, both are findable.
name: 's-Hertogenbosch, alt_name: Den Bosch, only findable by name, while the alt_name is used a lot.
name: Den Haag, alt_name: 's-Gravenhage, only findable by name.
Still the question: can 's-Hertogenbosch, be find as well as Den Bosch and Den Haag, also as: 's-Gravenhage??? It makes it more easier for users to handel. Now you need to know witch name you need to use.
Did a little research on the web about Den Haag, and really 2 names are used: Roadsigns use Den Haag, Postoffice use 's-Gravenhage, Not official document the use Den Haag, official documents like ID cards the have to use 's-Gravenhage. So this is complicated.