Hi, i'm trying to develop a communication system to be able to send sms to a driver and show it while in navigation mode. I have a little computer (raspberry pi) on the car which is connected to an android tablet. The pi is running a webserver to interact with the sms send/receiving system and it produce a simple web page that i can access from my Android tablet browser, no big deal. Now i want to get a notification that a new SMS has been received while i'm navigating on mapfactor. I know that not all commands have been implemented on Android devices yet so I've tested some on telnet to start figuring out how it works.
I ran commands like:
$ telnet 192.168.tablet.address 4242 $maximize ok $minimize error
Some of them worked properly as in your spreadsheets ($maximize, $software_version, $message), some didn't (like $minimize). For the ones not supported in spreadsheets I'm not complaining (even if i'd find them really useful) but it surprises me that i can't rely on the officially supported ones.
Am i doing something wrong or is there a bug/issue about them at the moment?
Thanks for help, Marco
EDIT: the only thing that comes in my mind (after digging a while around in your forums) is that i don't get the app from playstore, i get the apk and install into tablet, so my tablet could have version compatibility issues