Help Please. Car navigation
  • I lost my micro SD card which had the files for the Chinese navigation, DVD entertainment unit. 
    I do not wish to spend any more money for the navigation software. is there a step by step sticky thread which can help me.
    I have purchased a 4 GB micro SD card. please let me know how can i install a software on this SD card.
    As per the operation manual, I have to point to the file path in SD card. 
    >> choose map software file ( filexxx :exe )
     how can i get this exe. 

    please help.
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • If you give the system's operating system, somebody will be able to help you here? Did you search the forum. There were similar questions too.
  • I just downloaded and installed Navigator Free on an SD card for my car's gps device. I got past the 'Enter License' to use the free version. Then it seemed to lock up. Do I have to purchase for it to work on my car's gps device? It's integrated with the radio running Windows CE 6.0
  • no need to enter licence or pay
    I am not sure what do you mean

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