Corrupted map download
  • I downloaded europ maps. Seems France is not working. The map size is not as it is announced in the download overview. I did try, after remove france from the data folder, to download again, The installer confirmed the download is done, but only 33% of the download bar is filled. When you start France the navigator program stops.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Do you use Setup Utility 10.1.x or newer? (newer version has checking of md5). France should be approximately 291MB. Can you tell me how big part was downloaded and how long it took?
  • I used 10.1.21 set-up utility. I tried twice yesterday. France data was about 70Mb, much too small. Today I tried again to download France, had no problem. I also cheked all the other europ download files. They all seems to have the right size.

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