Downloaded maps not available for navigation
  • Dear readers,

    I have installed MapFactor Navigator free 1.0.0 for Android 4.0(1?) on my mobile phone. 
    During the first installation i have selected the following maps to download, Belgium, Germany Luxembourgh, the netherlands and Spain. These maps are visable for navigation. 

    Now i have additional selected the France maps for downloading. The download process went Ok .... BUT the france maps are NOT visable in the search view. I have tried this over and over again, but with the same result.

    Can someone please put some light in this for me dark area?

    Many many thanks in advance for your help,

  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • try to update Navigator
  • Tomas, thanks, will try to do so. Kind regards. wimduk
  • Hello Tomas,

    I installed 1.0.35 and now I can see the France map and the navigation works :)
    Many thanks for your support!

    With kind regards, wimduk

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