Geocaching with NavigatorFree
  • I'm using NavigatorFree for Geocaching. Therefore it is necessary to transfer and show the Caches on NavigatorFree.
    As source of the cache-data CacheWolf is a good source. The datas can be extorted in a gpx-file and later imported with diggerQt.
    The template for export is listed below. Everybody interested can use it.
    Hope it helps.

    <#-- Export-Template v1.0a for Cache-Export via .gpx to 'Navigator Free' -->
    <#--                                                                     -->
    <#-- Mit Hilfe dieses Templates können Cache Daten für die Darstellung   -->
    <#-- in Navigator11Free von MapFactor exportiert werden. Das .gpx file   -->
    <#-- wird dann mit diggerQT.exe eingelesen und ein .mca file erzeugt.    -->
    <#--                                                                     -->
    <#-- Mit dem Feld symbol_name lassen sich die Icons für die verschie-    -->
    <#-- denen Caches leicht zuordnen.                                       -->
    <#--                                                                     -->
    <#-- Die Caches werden nun als POIs in Navigator11Free dargestellt.      -->

    <tmpl_par name="charset" value="UTF8">
    <tmpl_par name="newline" value="CRLF">
    <tmpl_par name="decsep" value=".">
    <tmpl_par name="Out" value="*.gpx">
    <tmpl_par name="takeOnlyWp" value="main">
    <tmpl_par name="badchars" value="&<>">

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><br>
    <gpx xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" version="1.0" creator="Groundspeak Pocket Query" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""><br>

    <tmpl_loop cache_index>
       <wpt lat="<tmpl_var LAT>" lon="<tmpl_var LON>"><br>
          <name><tmpl_var WAYPOINT></name><br><#--               Cachenummer GCxxxx -->
          <cmt><tmpl_var name="NAME"></cmt><br><#--                Name des Caches -->
          <time><tmpl_var STATUS_DATE></time><br><#--          Cache gefunden am Datum -->
          <ele><tmpl_var DIFFICULTY></ele><br><#--          Schwierigkeitswertung des Caches -->
          <desc>(D=<tmpl_var DIFFICULTY>/T=<tmpl_var TERRAIN>/<tmpl_var SIZE>
    <tmpl_if ADDIS>/Multi)</desc><br>

        <tmpl_if STATUS><#--                                 gefundene Caches kennzeichnen -->
          <sym>99 Found it</sym><br><#--                              99 = gefunden -->
          <sym><tmpl_var TYPENO> <tmpl_var GSTYPE></sym><br><#-- Art des Caches 02=tradi, ... und als Text -->
          <type>Hint: <tmpl_var DECRYPTEDHINTS></type><br><#--            Hint -->

       <tmpl_if ADDIS>
          <tmpl_loop ADDIS>
             <tmpl_if LAT><br>
             <wpt lat="<tmpl_var LAT>" lon="<tmpl_var LON>">
             <wpt lat="00.000001" lon="00.000001">
                <name><tmpl_var WAYPOINT></name><br><#--            Cachenummer GCxxxx -->
                <desc><tmpl_var name="NAME" escape="html"></desc><br>
                <sym><tmpl_var ICON> <tmpl_var GSTYPE></sym><br><#-- Art des Caches 02=tradi, ... und als Text -->
                <type><tmpl_var DECRYPTEDHINTS></type><br><#--            Hint -->


  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • Hi,
    Where I can found diggerqt ?

    mowenta :)
  • Hello,
    here the actual link as shown in this forum.

  • thanks a lot
  • Is there a way of exporting favourites.
    I have found the file on my device - favourites.xml but do not recognise the format.
    e.g. Centre of Crewe Park entry is 
    "crewepark" lat="191149105" lon="8886176"/>
    how do these relate to 53.09695, -2.46851

  • our co-ordinate system is in miliseconds - to translate to decimal degrees simply devide by 3600000
  • Many thanks.
    It's so easy when you know !!

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