Where does Navigator hide?
  • Short version:
    Where on my Galaxy S9/Android 10 can I find the Navigator files?

    Long version:
    -yesterday, as usual, I selected a route in Navigator and drove away.
    -I always use TTS; yesterday Navigator had replaced the usual (German) voice with a different (Irish) voice.
    -Last night, back home, I tried to switch back to the usual voice.
    -Navigator did not offer it for selection.
    -To be sure the voice file hadn't developed a defect, I deleted it and re-downloaded it from the Play Store.
    -Navigator still did not "see" it.
    -I performed a local backup in Navigator, Deleted Data, installed the bare necessities, restored the backup - NOT: "no backup".
    -I unearthed a USB stick with a (not too old) Navigator backup.
    -On the S9, I couldn't find the folder with the Navigator data anywhere - both in RAM and on micro SD the folder Android/data/....Navigator only contained an empty folder "files".
    -I had a file manager search all memory for germany_osm* and *mca
    -No files found.
    -I Deleted Data, uninstalled Navigator, reinstalled from the Play Store, redownloaded the necessary stuff.
    -No change - including the voice; Heather TTS is there, Doris TTS is not.
    -...and of course I can't restore the backup of my Favourites and Routes.


  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • PARTIAL (sort of) solution found:

    I prepared sending an email message to Mapfactor, with the logs that Navigator creates - and one of the log files is called ...


    This file did indeed show the download paths of the stuff installed during the new app installation:

    It's inside  ROOT (Systemhauptverzeichnis)!

    Luckily my device IS rooted, so access was no problem:


    With a bit of trial and error I found that I had to create a folder


    and copy the folder with the newest backups into that one.

    This enabled me to restore my app settings, and make a new backup, BUT  tapping "Restore" yielded "No backups found", even though my File Manager clearly shows their presence.

    This is a MAJOR pain in the ... neck!

    I hope Mapfactor will find a solution!
  • Still not there!

    I found this discussion....

    in "General" rather than in "Free", and in the last entry in this discussion tomas mentioned that on devices with extendable memory Navigator can (through the Map Manager) be moved to the external  Android/data folder - great for me! 

    I moved the app, made a backup, which my File Manager found on the card, tapped "Restore" - and once again was told "no backups found".

    This looks to me like a Navigator bug!

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