Routing via footways
  • Android Navigator free 7.3.24 with OSM maps doesn't hesitate calculate route via footways on railroad bridges, even with disabled Other Roads. What I need to set to avoid this erratic routing ?
    For example :
    route from 48.4378742N, 17.7962747E to 48.4364489N, 17.7994208E
    route parameters Vehicle profile default Car, optimalization Fastest, other roads disabled. Same routing in Truck mode with many road types disabled.

    Thank You in advance.
  • 18 Comments sorted by
  • Hi,

    every time you change the vehicle you have to recalculate the route.
    Route Info => Route setup => Select vehicle
    Itinerary => Three dots in upper right corner => Calculate route

    When I start as pedestrian, route goes via railway bridge. Switching to truck => route stays on footpath via railway bridge.
    After recalculation it goes via Sulekovo and Hlohovec. Switching bach to pedestrian, route stays on streets until recalculation.

    Regards ...
  • Thank You.
    Try Car, optimalization Shortest, then recalculate, please.
  • I did. Switched from truck to pedestrian to car and back. Switched from fastest to shortest. Always as described - only pedestrian takes railway bridge, vehicles are provided the "long" way via road bridge.

    I'm also using 7.3.24 with OSM.

    Maybe uninstall and reinstall will help - don't forget to backup saved places and routes before.

    Regards ...

  • Thank You.
    Reinstalled, same behaviour. Tested on another 2 phones with same result :( What is Your OSM maps version ?
  • Let's try change start point to 48.4363225N, 17.7947003E and calculate again. My result :

    Or another longer route :
    From 48.2839225N, 17.7209556E to 48.5429581N, 17.8202294E, again Car, Shortest.

    Navigator will calculates route after Hlohovec to the destination via roads unsuitable for standard cars, if You have some 4x4, all is OK. Some meters from final is again footway :(
  • And ofcourse footway on the railroad bridge.
  • ... and PC Navigator has same problem :

  • Hi, I tried on PC and found the problem as described. Car and truck are suggested to take the footpath along the railway line.
    Tried on - only pedestrian will take the footpath. Strange ...

    Regards ...
  • not with default car setting
  • Again, I installed MFN on new device, selected default Car, changed Optimalization to Shortest and MFN calculated route via railroad bridge footway. Then selected default Truck with Shortest optimalization, result was same.
    All vehicles with optimalization Shortest uses that footway, even with disabled Other roads.
  • I made short video about this problem, used PC Navigator and OSM.
  • This stupid bug is still unsolved.
    Now, I use MagicEarth navigation with OSM maps too, no way to route via footways in modes other than Pedestrian or Cycle.
  • It seems the devs are in the Bahamas.
  • I wish :-)
    as I explained, this is not as easy as it looks and we have currently higher priority (government contract) to do
    thank you for understanding
  • Appears to have been solved; I just tried again, with my standard Car profile (fastest, everything but "Other" active).
    I tried several start/end points on either side of the river and couldn't get MFN to select a route that used the railroad bridge.

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