since it seems that my old win-ce devices (Asus 696 and Fuji 570) did not survive this Saturday night and last week was for them their _last 1023 week_, Asus recognizes only time and see no satelites, Fuji sees some of them but cannot read their time, both devices are not able to show the position and fix satelites after an hour interval :-/
I decided to install mffree on Samsung GT-S5570 with Android 2.3.6(10). Application itself seems to install correctly, after the starting choice of the (czech) language and free version of maps mf downloaded sounds_cs.mca and sounds_xx_signal.mca files and also the the Earth osm map as but it fails to check it (it stops with and error: Chyba kontroly) and the only choice is to start dl process again.
After several attemps I compared the Android/.../temp/ file with that from wince Asus, both having 103 MB, but the was filled with zeros only after say 60 MB (other dl attempts showed 55MB, 68MB) of the same bytes. Hence the dl process colapsed after some correct part of this file.
I tried to copy on my pc directly to the Android SD card the earth_osm.mca as .../temp/ but it was completely ignored because mf started with a new dl of sound,, againd with the Chyba kontroly result.
If I copy earth_osm.mca, czech_republic_osm.mca from win-ce sd-card dir Navigator/Data to android sd-card Android/data/com.mapfactor.navigator/files/navigator/data (I assumed this as a final location of these files), new start of android mf leads to the notice "some data are corrupted, they will be deleted" and a new possibility do dl file with the same Chyba kontroly result.
Is there any chance to copy (and where?) the map files "externally" from the win-ce version to the android version together with certain special info-file containing info for mf that all maps were correctly dl and installed and mf can run without being afraid some map file is missing, please? :-)