What went wrong?
  • I have a no name (made in china) Radio/GPS WinCE 6.0 with iGO Primo. Unfortunately the maps are old (2012). Now I download 2015 Q3 maps, but failed to install. I copied the whole working version of iGO Primo to a new SD card, deleted the old license files, replaced with download new one. Also delete the old maps replaced with new one (.fbl .fda .fjw .fpa .fsp .hnr .poi .ext_poi .3dl .3dc .license) I did not modified any other files. When I put this updated SD card in the GPS: iGO.exe found but not start. "Error: Out of memory"  I left two files in the /license folder: Activation Codes, device.nng. Maybe they should be gone  also? If somebody successfully installed iGO Primo Maps updates pls. tell me how. What did I make wrong?

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • sorry, you are at a wrong forum, we are not iGO
  • Could you guide me to a special iGo Forum?
  • I have no idea if they have one, please search Google

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