can't get nav free to load maps
  • I am in the usa, and downloaded the 47gb planet osm form
    As I am a newbee...I need some help
    I can not get the free ver to display the map I downloaded from OpenStreetMap
    I tried the obvious and moved the file to C:\Program Files (x86)\Navigator15\PC_Navigator\config\map

    None of the maps that the program brings up under the "free regions" is in the USA..
    So I Downloaded the Planet file from OpenStreets and tried to run luck..
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance!!
  • 7 Comments sorted by
  • this is not possible, you need to download maps already processed by us
    open NSetup utilities and go to Download maps/manage map downloads

  • So "FREE" is not free if you live in the USA??
  • Navigator doesnt support file you downloaded. It supports only MCA files from us. Please be sure that you are using latest version of setup utility - you can download it here:

    On computers with Windows 8.1 and 10 you can also use another version which has better map downloader:

    If you still have problem please report which countries are missing, thank you.
  • In my Setup Utiliy I find a branch "Amerika", opened this I find the countries on the American continent (North and South) and another subbranch called "USA OSM". If I open this, I can select the USA states I want to download. I wonder why this should not work on @o07wray 's installation.
  • I am sorry, I was informed that this OSM map would work in Navi 15 free...  but still the "free" program has no option for a North America or USA map under the "free" ver.
    However, the "commercial" map section does have a North America map..
     Thank you LUBOS ..
  • @o07wray : Please use the mapfactor "Setup Utility" - and you'll find the "free USA maps" ...


  • I feel stupid.. but it was hard to find the way its listed...
    Thank you for all your help !!!

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