Virtual keyboard missing
  • Hi all,
    I have installed Navigator free on a car receiver iCartech Aurora GX735.
    That's a Windows CE device; the installation works fine and I can use Navigator.
    But when I try to find a new target, I want to input the new address data.
    In this screen I'm not able to get the virtual keyboard, to input the new data.
    I tried all (doubleclick and swiping ...) but there is no keyboard to input the data.
    Does anyone have an idea, how to solve that?
    Thanks for help
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • not sure if this is going to help
  • Hi Tomas,

    sorry, but that doesn't have any effect.
    There exists a keyboard.xml file.
    Can I change or insert something there?

  • I have no idea, try it.

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