Instalation of v1.4 German version
  • After the installation the German version the system wanted a key, so I
    was prompted to use the free key as no other key was available. After
    the system was installed the program asked me to download maps, but
    then to my astonishment it asked me for another key, after which the
    program doesn't do anything anymore. So now my twofold question, 1,
    What key, and or where do I get it from?  2, I thought that this was
    free software, free as in non payment, and not that the software is
    free but the key isn't!!! So what do I do get rid of the software and
    give you a bad write-up? or is there a bug some ware?

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Using the free key for installation is correct.
    When installing maps take care that you choose the tab "Free Regions" (Freie Regionen) and not "Commercial Regions" (Kommerzielle Regionen). These request a key which you have to buy, whereas the free regions are without key and without payment. Also be aware that when you install the windows version that it creates two icons, PC Navigator and PC Navigator free. Choose the free one.


  • PS
    I suppose you mean the 14.1.x windows version.
    As far as I know there is no 1.4.x Android version yet.


  • Yes of course, I meant 14.1. Ok, what happened is that the installation went wrong. After I reinstalled it all works well.

    Thanks Uli


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