Hello! I have some requests: The first is concerning the colors of mainly two objects or polygons: parks and buildings. Is there a way to make parks look greener and buildings look in a darker color? The buildings are barely seen as they are almost the same background color. Could this be changed? Something else: the 3D view is only shown while navigating to a destination; can it be done so it shows the 3D view even in there is no destination set? The last: It would be good to be able to search in the POI section using the keyboard and not show the complete list of POIS... Appart from this, the rest of the features are AWSOME! Thanks for your attention!
Well, I answer myself regarding the park and building shapes: I edited the file album.style and it was easy to change the colors for parks and buildings. The difference is quite noticeable...I am happy it can be changed that easy. If someone is interested, I can post my changes...but I just wanted to let readers know it is quite easy to change... I keep loving this app!
Hi Tomas, I was trying to email my changes to support; but I didn't find where...So I am posting this here... The changes are not too many. So far I made it work on Autopilot style (the three variations: Autopilot Day, Autopilot Day (Large Fonts) and Autopilot Day (Large Fonts and Icons)... The changes are done in the last three tags of every "drawer"...notice the tags autopilot, autopilot_vga and autopilot_xga with the new color schemes. So, find the lines from 1476 to 1493; and then make the substitution with the following: (also notice that PARK_AREA has now three more tags. ps: I don't speak English as my first language, so, forgive me for any mistakes...
Hello again, I just finished testing a more complete version of a new style I am working on. I named it "OSM Style Day" as it resambles more like the openstreetmap style. Anyway, there are a few area types that I am not able to visualize. In openstreetmaps, these areas are correctly displayed; working with these keys in JOSM, the following keys are not displayed:
Leisure: stadium sport: baseball leisure: pitch leisure: track Any ideas on how to make these areas shown will be welcomed.
I am trying to make this style public, but it can't be posted here due to its length. So, if anyone has an idea on how to submit this style, let me know. I 'll be glad to share it and improve it with everyone's help.
Hi CarlosAlberto, my colleague will give you explanation tomorrow. could you please email album.style to android (at) mapfator.com - I would love to have a look at it and possibly find way for other to share. thanks Tomas
Ok, I just submitted the file. There is a question I need to ask you: Does navigator free only navigate in 3D when there is a destination selected? Or is there a way to just see the map in 3D while we are just driving? Thanks!