Hi all. I have a problemwith the selectionof thealarm soundofPOIs. I chose thesound 4, but my PocketPCrunsthe sound3. I've trieddozens of times tochange the sound, butdoes not work.
I use theprogramwith themenu in Italian: I hope youwill be able tofind themin English. The programis installed on aPocketPC. I touchMENU - Impostazioni - Avvisi superamento limiti di velocità. In thepage Fonte dispositivi rilevamento velocitàs, I choosethePOIs. In thepage Impostazioni suoni e soglie allarme, I choose500 m and I touch Selezionare suono, hereI chooseAlarm_04.wav, and I touch OK, but the sounddefinedis scout_500.wav.