Wrong suggested route
  • I've been using the Navigator app for years and have been very happy with it so far. However, I am currently noticing more and more incorrect routes.  For example, yesterday it doesn't suggest the fastest route via the motorway, but a slower one via minor roads.

    This means that the app is now only of limited use to me, especially when travelling with a caravan.

  • 7 Comments sorted by
  • please check your vehicle settings
    to get back to default delete vehicle you use and restart Navigator
  • I don't want to delete and lost all my vehicles. There exist no backup and restore functionality.

    I tried it with several different vehicles, also with the default one. The result ist always the same.

    It's a route I used 2 years ago with the same vehicle setting and it works fine.
  • I tried it now on an other smartphone.

    The problem remains also with the default vehicle.
  • backup is in settings/advanced
    if you want us to check, then please send logs from settings/advanced and add departure and destination in ccoordinates
  • I had sent an E-Mail to you on 06.05.2024 but I haven't got an answer on my last E-Mail.
  • we have had no email from this email address, not this month, not before
    in any case, we need logs
  • after a new installation of the app, the suggested route was correct.

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