Search by address bug or feature?
  • Hi Guys,
    1 ) I got some strange situation when I try to search adress using android MapFactor version. When I try to find adress in Poland for example street Bojkowska in Gliwice I got some double or triple results. After select street bojkowska I got for example 10, 13, 14 after select another i got 16, 17, 40 etc. Why this street cannot be shown as one?

    2) Is it possible to send me or upload android's language file to the like in WP version? Because in the polish translation, some texts are not translated :)

    3) Could you tell me something more about vector graphic used in mthame? For example how to interpret:
          <id type="line">STREET_MINOR_LINE_TF</id>
          <props scheme="nm">18|4|48|round|trapezium|0094FF|B25F0E|D06F10|V,8,40,16,1;L,2,1,0,-11,5,-6;L,2,1,5,-6,2,-7;L,2,1,2,-7,2,0;L,2,1,2,0,-2,0;L,2,1,-2,0,-2,-7;L,2,1,-2,-7,-5,-6;L,2,1,-5,-6,0,-11;</props>

    Great job with WP and GLES version. I know it's still alpha, but it looks impressive.

  • 11 Comments sorted by
  • 1.question is for @mdx

    2. We are testing crowdin now, if it works well for us, we will use it for Android too, please be patient

    3. Vector pattern:
    V,width, height, primitives_count,background; //all colors are indices 0-2 of colors defined before pattern
    then there are possible primitives:
    -Circle: C, color, x, y, radius;
    -Line: L, color, width, x1, y1, x2, y2;
    -Box: B, color, x1, y1, x2, y2;

  • @lubos
    Many thanks for your quick answer.
    One more question about style pattern graphic format. What's about the "R" graphic (probably raster graphic). First and second is size, am I right? But what is next?
  • Regarding the duplicated streets I think they appear as many time as they are divided in segments in OSM. This would explain why each of the duplicates corresponds to only a subset of the house numbers of that street.

    I had an email exchange with @tomas a while ago about that, and if I'm not mistaken this had been forwarded to the developpers.

  • I cannot confirm that. The street I am living in is divided into many parts (I didn't count, but there are at least 5 parts), but under search it is listed two times "only": first time without km but with all (!) available house numbers, second time with km and with exact the same house numbers like first time.
  • It also depends where those streets are. Long streets going through multiple cities/towsn/villages/hamlets, and thereby belonging to different admin boundaries, might occur multiple times.
    Because it runs through hamlet 1, crossing through open land (the big admin boundary), and going through hamlet 2, etc.

    The very first screenshot is just displaying that I think (didn't check)

    Please check that as well.
  • @hvdwolf

    Yes, the "Bojkowska" street is long one, but I still think that this should be shown on one position on the list.
    I think that when people try to find the address they don't know which option is correct, they only know the street and house number.
    The "Kopernika" street is short one:
  • @tommit
    Raster pattern:

    raster is array of pixels where one digit represents two pixels(indices of colors in range 0-2).
    I ran code in my head and write transformation table from one digit to two indices(I hope it is correct):
    0 -> 00
    1 -> 11
    2 -> 01
    3 -> 12
    4 -> 02
    5 -> 20
    6 -> 10
    7 -> 21
    8 -> 22
  • To me it seems, that streets are also divided by suburbs. My private street Senefelderstraße in Chemnitz ist listed for the suburb of Lutherviertel one time, and two times for Bernsdorf, so alltogether three sections. At this point of search, there are no housenumbers listed. If you select one of those section, you get a list of housenumbers obviously for the chosen section and can choose the complete set of housenumbers (and you get this section selected on the map) or even enter one of the housenumbers matching the given list and you get the single spot to this specific housenumber. All in all this is a little bit complicated. How can a stranger know the suburb limits, so he has to find the right section by trial and error!?
  • @lubos

    Many thanks, both graphic patterns looks good :)
  • @tommit:
    W.r.t. the "Kopernika" street: There are 3 types of addresses. 
    • One set connected to the buildings itself, which means that the address is connected to a way (in OSM terms)
    • One set is connected to address nodes separated from the buildings, so in OSM terms it is connected to a node.
    • One address is actually a POI (the dentist). However, a POI being coupled to a node makes it probaby simply a node (and an amenity=dentist POI in the POI section)
    Note also that the first 2 entries are very close to each other, meaning the same street while the 3rd entry is 7km further. That was really a street in another village/hamlet.

    So my assumption is that it is actually a "feature". It shows you the streets/address very nearby and at the same time streets/addresses in cities/towns/villages/hamlets close by in case you might have selected the wrong city because you thought it was in Gliwice but actually it was in Zabrze.
    If you are familiar there you might find it confusing. If you are a tourist there and don't know exactly where to be (I thought it was Gliwice, but I'm not sure), it might be very helpful. Especially in big cities where smaller cities have merged to one bigger metropole and it simply isn't that clear. I had that problem in Goteborg, Sweden, which seems to be one city, but the addresses are really per sub-community which is terribly confusing.

    @mdx: Are address nodes and adress ways treated the same in the MNF maps? Is my assumption about the search strategy correct or completely wrong?
  • @hvdwolf - you are right. Streets are separated by different administrative area (if they are available) and concatenated if they touch. It would be necessary to merge "near" streets (for example divided due to roundabouts without names) and it would be nice to have "JOINT" version like in cases with administrative areas - sometimes the house numbering is valid only within one admin area, sometimes over several areas.

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