What's New 1.1.5?
  • Hi could we please have some information on the updates to Navigatior for Android. The playstore information is not good enough to enable someone to find out where the changes are. The change log on this website was last updated in February 2013 and that was for the windows version.

    new map notification service. How are we notified? It doesn't look any different to me.
    automatic gps positions saving. Where does it save, how often, what can it be used for and why does this matter?

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • 1.1.5
    new map notification service
    automatic gps positions saving
    fixed scrambled street names on map
    updated es, cs, tr, lt, pt, de translations
    better routing dialogs (route not found and waypoint outside installed map)
    removed destination reached dialog
    errors in night mode, loading maps dialog, GPS month and app exit and restart fixed
    white screen fixes
    improved Croatian search
    rename/delete saved gps files implemented
    added cayman_islands_osm
    selecting/unselecting maps to delete fixed
  • How is this

    "selecting/unselecting maps to delete fixed"

    working. I still cannot deselect installed maps.
  • you can select/deselect them for deletion

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